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Book Title: The Sailor Dog
Author: Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrator: Garth Williams
Publisher: Golden Books
Year Published: 1953

Availability: Click for an available copy from Amazon

The Sailor Dog by Margaret Wise Brown picture book authorMargaret Wise Brown had an amazing ability to bring animals to life. She does so for a dog named Scuppers here with the help of the gifted illustrator Garth Williams. The Sailor Dog is a classic that has been read to kids at bedtime for decades. Many beds magically turned into sailing vessels moments before slumber time. The words “All Aboard” set off little imaginations on travels across the sea and Scupper’s adventures became their own when dreams crept into their sleepy brains after the book was closed and set on the night stand.

The story in The Sailor Dog by Margaret Wise Brown is sweet, simple, adventurous and hopefully inspiring, as Scuppers is a dog who even cleans up after himself. Yes, let us hope that attribute rubs off on our little ones. One thing you will find in newer editions of this book is that about four pages are deleted because today’s editors and publishers reproduce books from the 1950s using the sensitivities of late 2010s America. I’ve seen the same dreadful editing decisions in The Little Red Caboose too. You’ve probably seen it in other places and if you have, please leave a comment below.

If you’ve read The Sailor Dog to your children or grandchildren, we’d love to know your thoughts on this nautical canine tale from Margaret Wise Brown.

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